Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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NEW!!! The APRS MIC-Encoder will revolutionize mobile radio! It plugs
into the Mic jack of any radio and puts your APRS-GPS posit on the tail
end of any VOICE transmission. See VOX-APRS.txt.
OVERVIEW: Although APRS on boats and aircraft already equiped with GPS
USEFUL FOR VEHICLES WITHOUT GPS TOO! Actually, the only stations
that need GPS are the ones that are lost! For this reason, the first
section of this file will discuss the use of APRS in a vehicle without GPS.
Note: Be sure to replay the DIGI-E, DIGI-W, or DIGI-SE.bk file before
going on a trip so you can see where the digiepaters are...
MANUAL POSITION UPDATING: If a station knows where he is, he just
zooms into his APRS map and moves the cursor to his location. Then he hits
the INPUT-MY-POS command and enters his new course and speed. His posit
will not only appear on everyone's screen, but he will also be deadreckoned
along his course. Depending on the speeds involved and the size of the net,
updates are only required when there is a significant change to course and
speed. One station moving cross country reporting via HF set his course to
270 degrees and set in an average speed of about 50 MPH. Although he only
updated his exact position once every few hours, because of the automatic
APRS dead reckoning, his van appeared to everyone to move west giving a
good approximation of his progress.
Although we used GPS equipped bicycles during the 1993 Severna Park
marathon, we did not even bother in 1994. We simply monitored the voice
nets, and occasionally whenever someone mentioned where the LEAD, TAIL or
PACK runners were, the APRS operator simply updated the reported locations,
and all APRS stations along the route could see visualy where these objects
were, even without listening to the radio. Additionally, since the course
is always known, and the speed of the runners in a marathon is very well
known, the dead-reckoned movement of these symbols between updates was
actually just as accurate as GPS! See MARATHON.txt. A special version
of APRS can actually deadreckon objects along a given course making all
the turns indicated on the map. See DR.txt.
MOBILE OPERATIONS: APRS was designed to make mobile operations with one
finger relatively easy. The following summarizes the commands that are
frequently used in the Mobile environment:
G - GOTO: On any screen other than the MAP, this command will redraw
the map centered on your vehicle. If you are already on the map,
then GOTO puts the cursor on your station so that a single press of
the PgUP/DN keys will allow you to zoom or home the map in one step.
T - TRACK: Select this on the P-list. As a tracked station
approaches the edge of any map, APRS will automatically re-draw the
map in that direction. If TRACK mode is on, then the GOTO command
will go to the Tracked vehicle.
A - ALARM: Also activated on the P-list, will trigger BEEPs and cause
your screen to be centered on the station if it moves. I use this
one in my shack to alert me when the wife is coming home and I
need to go to the kitchen and look busy and domestic on her return.
IMP - INPUT-MY-POS: Use to manually update your position, or change your
symbol, course, speed or comments.
Unless your exact location between point A and B is important, simply enter
your estimated average speed, and the straight line course to B. This way,
other stations will be able to see your dead-reckoned progress toward B and
you will not have to make frequent updates. Since APRS also DR's your
progress on your own screen, you will see the same thing that everyone else
sees. You can tell whether you need to update your progress or not. You
will notice, that on your own screen, each DR'ed position is posted at the
same time that a position report is transmitted by your station. That is
why the reports will be close together initially and be spaced further and
further appart. In order for this DR to work on your own screen, you must
not be in HSP or SPM modes. See the ALT-SETUP-GPS-OFFgps command below.
If you want to see where your DR'ed position is at any time between transmis-
sions, simply hit the space bar, and a fresh DR will be displayed.
CHEAP AND PLENTIFUL 8086 LAPTOPS: I prefer my old 8086 laptop monochrome
LCD since it works BEST in bright sun! It only has dual flopies, but
a minimum APRS system PLUS DOS will fit on a single 720K floppy. TO give
you some more maps, though, you might want to use the DOS APPEND command
to tell DOS to use the B drive as an extension of your A drive. To do this
put your maps into a MAPS directory on B and use these DOS commands:
APPEND b:\maps /x:on
to cancel this later use APPEND ;
See the GPS.txt file for information on interfacing your PC to GPS
or LORAN. There are several methods of interfacing depending on whether
you have a dual or single port laptop, and whether your GPS/LORAN has a
periodicity that is user programmable. Some useful commands are:
Alt-SETUP-GPS-TIMEsync - Synchronizes your PC clock to the GPS time
in the next GPS posit heard. This is important to avoid dead-
reckoning errors on small area maps!
NOTE that this command only synchronizes the minutes, so
you at least have to be in the right hour....
Alt-SETUP-POSrate - Sets both your own screen updates and the
on-air transmission rates through the TNC.
Alt-SETUP-GPS-OFFgps - Turns off the HSP/SPM modes without having to
re-configure. This is useful if you are normally configured for
HSP or SPM modes but are going to be doing manual updating. If
the PC is left in HSP or SPM modes, then your local screen will
NOT be updated on each DR. IF HSP and SPM are off, then each
time your position is transmitted, a new DR plot is drawn.
OPS-COMM-GPS - Permits you to either communicate with your GPS if it
has a bi-directional port, or to monitor the TNC. This command
also switches the APRS port-splitter circuit in HSP mode so that
you could monitor the GPS.
F6 This key is called the QRT function because it forces your speed
to zero as you approach your destination so that your posits will
not continue to dead reckon on everyone's screens after you
turn your system off.